1 7th fastest organic U.S. mutual fund AUM growth among the top 50 industry competitors between 2008 and 2023. PGIM Calculation of AUM compound annual growth rate based on data from Strategic Insights/Simfund database, as of December 31, 2023.
2 Source: Strategic Insights / Simfund as of 12/31/2023, excludes ETFs and 23 money market funds. Organic U.S. mutual fund AUM growth among top 50 competitors between 2008 and December 2023.
3 PGIM Investments AUM as of 12/31/2023 includes U.S. mutual funds: USD130.5 (excluding money markets and funds of funds), closed-end funds: USD1.4B, ETFs: USD6.6B, UCITS funds: USD7.7B, PGIM Custom Harvest: USD3.4B, and Asia Local: USD21.7B. Asia Local AUM includes Everbright PGIM (a joint venture in China in which PGIM has a 45% ownership stake), PGIM SITE, and PGIM India